A Glimpse into my Life

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Hi and welcome to my kitchen!

anita_momI’m so happy you are visiting me. This is me… Anita Dakdouk. I am an engineer, graduated with highest honors, a professor, a busy mom of two wonderful, beautiful children and the wife to my best friend and loving hubby. Cooking is something that we both have so much in common. From our creation of the best organic grilled pizzas made from our own mother dough (yeast), with our children favorite toppings to our best organic rustic varieties of bread from our own family kitchen. “Who doesn’t like bread”?

I spent most of my adult life writing my own recipes and I have been inspired by family and friends on creating this blog, but specially the most motivation came from one of my adorable daughter’s best friend “Sam” lovely girl who after gathering  and tasting my food at home she made me reached my goal on creating, writing and photographing my dishes.

I hope to inspire you to cook my recipes as she, family and friends  inspired me to share them with you.

I enjoy looking into recipes books, having a good cup of espresso, watching good movies with my family and I love dancing. (Wishing for a personal private lesson from Shakira someday…)

Since I was a little kid, I was always sorrounded with family, friends and even strangers, anxious  for my mom’s best cooking. As she always says, “If you give, you will receive”. My recipes are inspired by my best memories in the kitchen with my lovely Mom and I’ve been creating recipes with my own personal spin. My mother guided me into the most relaxing environment… The art of cooking. Thank you beautiful mother.  Homecooking from different countries cuisine  is what I stand for. Bringing and sharing a variety of cultures through food.

I have attended different cooking schools. There were the most fascinating moments in my life, and with this busy life of mine, I’m starting a new adventure at another cooking school, with an associated degree. Let me tell you, I’m so happy and excited to keep learning different techniques and I’m looking forward to sharing with you.

I hope you will be inspired to make some of my delicious and healthy recipes, knowing that you are giving your body inside joy by preparing it with your own hands. I love to share my experiences and I promise to give a piece of myself through my delicious recipes. I hope you enjoy visiting me.

“Welcome to my kitchen” 🙂

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