A Healthy Meal Plan

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I will help you to plan ahead of time what ingredients are needed to start your healthy, happy and tasty meal plan. Easy to follow directions will help you make it a part of your everyday life style routine. Eat balanced meals and do not deprive of good taste with my recipes. Take care of your body. It’s the only one you have to live in. Exercise, dance, stay organized and enjoy the smells and tastes, while preparing with love your own satisfying dishes. Remember this… what you eat in private you wear in public.

It’s ideal to follow a high-protein and low-carb Meal Plan to maintain a healthier weight according to your own situation and likes. Please remember is not a diet plan.

Stock your kitchen with clean organic ingredients depending on what you choose for your meals for the entire week. A good start, let’s try to have a meatless day. You will get use to it !

For Breakfast: Start your day making an omelet, scrambled or hard-boiled eggs mixed with low-carb vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, sweet peppers, kale and avocados by using extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil which contains a good fat. Also old fashioned roll oats with diced fresh apples, a cup of non-fat plain yogurt with homemade granola and green kale juice for a quick clean start,(see my recipes on my site) .

For Lunch: Avoid pre-made salads. Eating healthy salads using(arugula, romaine, kale, collard greens,spinach) with homemade dressings(see my recipes) mixed with high-protein fish like salmon, tuna, cod or chicken .

For Dinner: Simply stick to your healthy plan and pick any protein dish from my menu and try not to eat after 6:00 p.m. Include up to 1-1/2 cup of steam or grilled vegetables like spinach, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, zucchini, carrots, beets drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. Alternate between fish and chicken next to brown rice, quinoa, cracked whole wheat or any other starch of your choice(see recipes on my site).

Snacks: If your preference is going nuts for nuts, a handful of my homemade granola accompany with low-fat plain yogurt is a very satisfying, kind of dessert “snack”. Stock up on bananas, apples, dried fruits(figs, apricots, dates), oranges, grapefruits, avocados, hard boiled eggs, ready to go strips of carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes and low fat cottage cheese. For beverages: A cup of coffee, green Tea, and please drink plenty of water.

Dessert:  When baking, to sweeten your recipes use agave nectar, honey, natural fruits sweetness like dates, apple sauce, adding shredded coconut, bananas, apricots, raisins, etc.

A new healthy you, when everything start working from the inside to the outside rejuvenating, having more strength, feeling and looking great.

Fitness has no age. Have goals, exercise while having fun. Take care of the only body you live in. This is Healthy Living with Anita.