Anita’s Best Organic Fig Jam

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Cut out your Fresh Organic Figs and make this rustic, chunky without pectin or refined sugars delicious Jam Yum!


12 ripe figs (cut in medium size pieces)

8 unripe figs (cut in medium size pieces)

2 cups granulated sugar

juice of  half lemon

1 teaspoon Balsamic Vinegar

6 pieces Gum Mastic (pulverized)

1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Preparation:me picking figs from the treefigs natural

  1. Wash, and rinse figs under cool water. figs naturalPlace 1 cup of granulated sugar in a large glass bowl. Add cut figs and toss well until they are completely coated with the sugar. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours covered with plastic wrap.figs natural diced
  2. Remove figs from the fridge and transfer sugar coated figs into a medium non-stick saucepan over medium-low heat. Bring mixture to a boil. Keep stirring for about three to four minutes.figs back to pan after chilling and strain
  3. Remove from heat and place figs back into the large glass bowl. Let them cool completely and refrigerate again covered with plastic wrap for at least 4 to 6 hours for figs to start releasing their natural sugar and starches.
  4. Take out figs from refrigerator, strain and put mixture back into the saucepan at medium heat. Stirring constantly until mixture start  boiling. Add Gum Mastic, lower heat and keep stirring until mixture thickened for about 10-12 minutes. Note: Gum mastic acts like a natural thickener.figs cooking on stove
  5. Add the rest of the sugar, balsamic vinegar and lemon juice and continue to stir for about 10 more minutes or until mixture has reached a golden shiny brown color and has thickened but still smooth, and spreadable. Add vanilla and mix well with a rubber heat resistant spatula.
  6. Remove from heat and transfer figs jam to a glass or two well sterilized jars and let it cool completely before placing it into the refrigerator.figs in two jars over green
  7. Serve with best cheeses, and butter of your choices on a French baguette bread, spread on a delicious slice of pound cake(see my pound cake recipe), add it to your salad dressings or just have it straight from the jar like myself. Jam Yum!figs jam plate


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