Anita’s Easy Homemade Limoncello

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Limoncello is a classical Italian Liqueur that easily can be made at home following my recipe. Drink it cold as a digestive or use it to infuse the refreshing lemon flavor into your desserts. Enjoy!



8-10 large Organic lemons, washed and dry

4 cups of 100-proof Vodka

For the Syrup:

4 cups of granulated Sugar

3 1/2 cups of Water


  1. Peel the lemons in long strips, only the yellow part using a vegetable peeler. Set aside.
  2. Place the lemon peels in a large pitcher. Pour Vodka over the peels and cover the pitcher with a cloth. Leave it to infuse into the alcohol for at least two weeks away from direct sunlight.
  3. In a medium size saucepan over low heat, stir the water and sugar together until dissolves. When it starts to boil remove from heat and let it cool completely.
  4. Pour the syrup over the Vodka and lemon peels. Keep covered overnight at room temperature.
  5. Remove lemon peels and transfer your Limoncello into glass bottles. Close tight. It can last up to 2 months in a cool place or in the refrigerator.
  6.  For uses of your delicious Homemade Limoncello check this recipe out in my site of Limoncello Pound Cake with Limoncello Glaze. 


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